I would like to express my thanks to the many people who have helped me along the way. I stand on the shoulders of giants: the virtues belong to them, the faults are all mine.
- To my parents, who were there at the beginning and made everything possible.
- To Holly Stephenson and Joe Wojciechowski, who made me diagram sentences in English and Latin until I finally started to get the idea.
- To Marty Kalin, who devoted the last week of his C++ course to a new web animation language called Java.
- To Mike Petit, who trusted me to figure out how to write, deploy, and run an NLP engine in AWS.
- To all the great open source developers, especially Christopher Manning and the Stanford CoreNLP group.
- To Indi Chandrasekhar, the founder of Out Of Print magazine and my favorite co-editor.
- And most of all to Laura, Arvind, and Ravi; who put up with me disappearing into the basement for days at a time and accepted the explanation that "it's like the mashed potatoes in Close Encounters of the Third Kind".