Class App

  • public class App
    extends Object

    The main cli entry point for oopcorenlp.

    To get the sample output run:

    java -jar oopcorenlp-1.0.jar -a generate

    java -Xms8096m -Xmx10120m -jar oopcorenlp-1.0.jar -a analyze


    To get custom output, generate, tweak, analyze.

    Annotator order is important. Try commenting out existing lines rather than editing.

    Copy output files to oopcorenlp_web WebContent/Corpora/corpus/ directory and build/deploy to view results.


     usage: oopcorenlp
     -a,--action                 REQUIRED. analyze or generate. analyze requires all parameters. generate requires outputPath.
     -h,--help                   print usage
     -i,--inputPath              Location for input files (.).
     -m,--metadata               Name of metadata file in Properties format (
     -n,--annotators             Name of annotator list file in text format (annotators.txt).
     -o,--outputPath             Location for output files (.).
     -p,--parameterStore         Name of parameterStore file in Properties format (
     -s,--story                  Name of story file in text format (story.txt). Ascii character set, vertical double quote for quotations, vertical single quote for apostrophe, block paragraphs.

    NB: Needs a lot of memory to run. -Xms8096m -Xmx10120m at a minimum.

    Ram Sadasiv
    See Also: