oopcorenlp_web is a java web application (war). This is not a React/Angular style Single Page App; routes are driven collaboratively via URLs.
oopcorenlp_web uses the maven (v3.6.3) toolchain.
The back end follows a servlet -> jsp -> js architectural pattern and the front end is javascript v8 code leveraging jQuery, Bootstrap, and vega-lite.
The back end is unencrypted, unauthenticated, stateless and read-only; it only supports the HTTP GET verb and does not maintain HTTP sessions.
While there is a lot of javascript code in the project, oopcorenlp_web does not use any sort of javascript minification or webpack tooling.
The back end has been tested under Tomcat (v9.0.x). The front end has been tested on recent versions of Chrome, Firefox, and Edge.