There are helpful annotations sprinkled through the code base (and viewable through the javadoc) but I will try and summarize the highlights here.
If you want to find out how the oopcorenlp library works: |
If you want to find out how to work with the Stanford CoreNLP library: |
CoreNlpUtils |
If you want to find out how to customize specific Stanford CoreNLP annotators: |
If you want to find out how to work with the POSTaggerAnnotator: |
AbstractPosAnnotator |
If you want to find out how to work with the NERClassifierCombiner: |
If you want to find out how to work with the CorefAnnotator: |
PeopleAnnotator |
If you want to find out how to work with the ParserAnnotator: |
AbstractTreeAnnotator |
If you want to find out how to work with the DependencyParseAnnotator: |
AbstractContextualAnnotator |
If you want to find out how to work with the TokensRegex: |
BiberAnnotator |
If you want to find out how to work with Wordnet or Verbnet: |
WordnetUtils |
If you want to find out how to work with the Wikipedia api: |