This is the Stanford document-sentences-tokens json tree decorated with the results of the OOP analysis of the text.
In general, organic annotations will be aggregated up the tree but synthetic annotations will not be generated down the tree. As an example, sentiment organically occurs at the sentence level, thus you will see an sentiment annotation at the document level containing the average of all the sentence annotations, but you will not see a sentiment annotation at the token level. Categorical annotations that organically occur at the token level (usually expressed as Map<String,BigDecimal>) are generally summed at the sentence and document levels.
The list of annotations is customizable via the ParameterStore input, but the default list is as follows:
OOPBiberAnnotation |
Biber: Variation across speech and writing |
ParagraphIndexAnnotation |
Recorded per sentence, index starts at 0 |
CoreNlpGenderAnnotation |
edu/stanford/nlp/models/gender/male_first_names.txt, edu/stanford/nlp/models/gender/female_first_names.txt |
OOPGenderAnnotation |
io/outofprintmagazine/nlp/models/MaleNames.txt , io/outofprintmagazine/nlp/models/FemaleNames.txt. |
OOPPronounAnnotation |
PRP minus -self, -selves, -'s |
OOPCharCountAnnotation |
characterCount |
OOPParagraphCountAnnotation |
paragraphCount |
OOPSentenceCountAnnotation |
sentenceCount |
OOPSyllableCountAnnotation |
syllableCount |
OOPTokenCountAnnotation |
tokenCount |
OOPWordCountAnnotation |
wordCount |
CoreNlpSentimentAnnotation> |
sentiment scaled from 0 to 1 |
VaderSentimentAnnotation |
sentiment scaled from 0 to 1 |
OOPVerbTenseAnnotation |
Verb tenses
OOPPunctuationMarkAnnotation |
Question, Exclamation, Colon, Semicolon, Comma, Hypen, Period, Apostrophe, Quotation |
OOPAdjectivesAnnotation |
JJ, JJR, JJS not in io/outofprintmagazine/nlp/models/Adjectives.txt |
OOPPointlessAdjectivesAnnotation |
JJ, JJR, JJS in io/outofprintmagazine/nlp/models/Adjectives.txt |
OOPAdjectiveCategoriesAnnotation |
Good-Better-Best. JJ, JJR, JJS: descriptive, comparative, superlative |
OOPAdverbsAnnotation |
RB, RBR, RBS not in io/outofprintmagazine/nlp/models/Adverbs.txt |
OOPPointlessAdverbsAnnotation |
RB, RBR, RBS in io/outofprintmagazine/nlp/models/Adverbs.txt |
OOPAdverbCategoriesAnnotation |
Fast-Faster-Fasest. RB, RBR, RBS: descriptive, comparative, superlative |
OOPPossessivesAnnotation |
PRP$, POS, WP$ |
OOPPrepositionCategoriesAnnotation |
IN, CC. subordinating, coordinating |
OOPPrepositionsAnnotation |
IN or CC |
OOPVerbsAnnotation |
Transitive Verbs. VB,VBD,VBG,VBN,VBP,VBZ not in io/outofprintmagazine/nlp/models/StativeVerbs.txt |
OOPActionlessVerbsAnnotation |
Intransitive Verbs. VB,VBD,VBG,VBN,VBP,VBZ in io/outofprintmagazine/nlp/models/StativeVerbs.txt |
OOPNounsAnnotation |
OOPTopicsAnnotation |
OOPSVOAnnotation |
CoreNLP dependency parse subject-verb-object-indirectObject-auxVerb: nsubj, root, obj, iobj, obl |
OOPLikeAnnotation |
Constituency Parse: PP, like |
OOPAsAnnotation |
Constituency Parse: SBAR, as |
OOPColorsAnnotation |
io/outofprintmagazine/nlp/models/Colors.txt |
OOPFlavorsAnnotation |
io/outofprintmagazine/nlp/models/Flavors.txt |
OOPVerblessSentencesAnnotation |
VB,VBD,VBG,VBN,VBP,VBZ,MD not in sentence |
OOPWordlessWordsAnnotation |
Wiktionary lookup is null |
OOPWordnetGlossAnnotation |
Wordnet gloss if not in io/outofprintmagazine/nlp/models/COCA/en_20k.txt |
OOPUncommonWordsAnnotation |
not in io/outofprintmagazine/nlp/models/COCA/en_20k.txt |
OOPCommonWordsAnnotation |
io/outofprintmagazine/nlp/models/COCA/Dolch.txt |
OOPFunctionWordsAnnotation |
io/outofprintmagazine/nlp/models/FunctionWords.txt |
OOPAngliciseAnnotation |
io/outofprintmagazine/nlp/models/EN_GB/american_spellings.json |
OOPAmericanizeAnnotation |
io/outofprintmagazine/nlp/models/EN_GB/british_spellings.json |
OOPVerbGroupsAnnotation |
Wordnet lexical file name |
OOPVerbnetGroupsAnnotation |
Verbnet senses |
OOPNounGroupsAnnotation |
Wordnet lexical file name |
OOPWhoAnnotation |
Constituency Parse: SBARQ, WHNP || WHADVP, who |
OOPWhatAnnotation |
Constituency Parse: SBARQ, WHNP || WHADVP, what |
OOPWhenAnnotation |
Constituency Parse: SBARQ, WHNP || WHADVP, when |
OOPWhereAnnotation |
Constituency Parse: SBARQ, WHNP || WHADVP, when |
OOPWhyAnnotation |
Constituency Parse: SBARQ, WHNP || WHADVP, why |
OOPHowAnnotation |
Constituency Parse: SBARQ, WHNP || WHADVP, how |
OOPLocationsAnnotation |
CoreNLP NER mentions: LOCATION |
OOPPeopleAnnotation |
CoreNLP NER mentions: I, PERSON minus PRP, PRP$, stray NNP/NNPS; coref |
OOPMyersBriggsAnnotation |
Personality types |
OOPDatesAnnotation |
CoreNLP NER mentions: DATE or TIME |
OOPIfAnnotation |
Constituency Parse: SBAR, if |
OOPBecauseAnnotation |
Constituency Parse: PP, because |
OOPQuotesAnnotation |
CoreNLP: QuoteAnnotator plus NER speaker |
OOPWordsAnnotation |
word frequency - all tokens |
OOPFleschKincaidAnnotation |
(206.835 - (1.015*wordCount/sentenceCount) - (84.6*syllableCount/wordCount))/100 |
OOPVerbHypernymsAnnotation |
Wordnet hypernym |
OOPNounHypernymsAnnotation |
Wordnet most likely hypernym based on hyponym match against all nouns |
OOPWikipediaGlossAnnotation |
Wikipedia gloss (first sentence of page body) if NN,NNS,NNP,NNPS |
OOPWikipediaPageviewTopicsAnnotation |
Wikipedia pageviews for the past month for Topics (NNP,NNPS) |
OOPWikipediaCategoriesAnnotation |
Wikipedia page categories for Topics (NNP,NNPS) |
OOPBiberDimensionsAnnotation |
Biber: Variation across speech and writing, Dimensions 1-6 |
OOPSettingsAnnotation |
OOPLocationAnnotation with sentiment, quotes, coref, and universal dependencies nsubj, nmod:poss, advmod, amod nsubj, root, obj, iobj, obl. |
OOPActorsAnnotation |
OOPPersonAnnotation with sentiment, quotes, coref, and universal dependencies nsubj, nmod:poss, advmod, amod nsubj, root, obj, iobj, obl. |