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Title: OOP Story Arc Viewerc
URI: OOPStoryArcViewer
Routing: servlets/ -> jsp/OOPStoryArcViewer.jsp -> js/OOPStoryArcViewer.js
Parameters: Corpus, Document
Content type: text/html

Curated list of annotations and visualization types to show change over the course of the text.

Donut charts for selected categorical Document level scores:

  • OOPPronounAnnotation
  • OOPPossessivesAnnotation
  • OOPPeopleAnnotation
  • OOPVerbTenseAnnotation

Bar charts for selected quantitative sentence level scores:

  • OOPFleschKincaidAnnotation
  • VaderSentimentAnnotation
  • OOPPeopleAnnotation
  • OOPPunctuationMarkAnnotation (Quotation)

Stacked bar chart for Verbs (OOPVerbsAnnotation, OOPActionlessVerbsAnnotation).
Pie charts for Myers-Briggs personality types.
Mouse-over anywhere in the chart activates the vega-embed action menu (circle with three dots on far right).